Thursday, May 12, 2016

These keywords for your home listing can help you garner a quicker sale and a higher price

Real estate listings are notorious for using words like “cozy” when a room is small, so savvy buyers have learned to study room dimensions and photos to get a better feel for whether a home might meet their needs.
from Tasha Zetty Managing Broker

Kitsap County Real Estate Market Continues Streak in Home Sales | Published: 4/29/2016 |...

The Kitsap County market saw sales rise 0.9% and it is currently in the midst of a solid upward sales trend, including 331 homes sold over the last 30 days. The median sales price dropped to $270,000, down from last week's $274,925. The rising sales and a low two months of inventory mean that Kitsap County is a definite seller's market.
from Tasha Zetty Managing Broker

Wednesday, May 11, 2016